The Best Lakes in the World

Forget beach holidays and city breaks – a peaceful lakeside trip is exactly what your 2020 holiday plans need to rest and recharge for the new decade. So, with that in mind, here are the most stunning lakes across the world – perfect for your Instagram feed, and your sole. (geddit?)

5. Dead Sea, Jordan/Israel

Stepped in history, this extra salty lake is a must-see, boasting over 1 million hashtags on Instagram. Be sure to get that perfect shot of you lazily floating along!
IMAGE: vvvita – Shutterstock

4. Lake Como, Italy

Surrounded by stunning mountainous background, it’s no wonder Lake Como was so popular with 1.4 million hashtags! An up-market must-see.
IMAGE: Gaspar Janos

3. Lake Michigan, USA

One of the five Great Lakes of North America, this is the only one to be situated entirely within the USA.
IMAGE: ehrlif – Shutterstock

2. Lake Tahoe, USA

Embodying the best of both worlds, enjoy ski resorts and restful beaches, along with nearly 2.5 million other Instagrammers.
IMAGE: topselles – Shutterstock

1. Lake District, UK

Set in England’s north west, this beautiful lake topped the list with nearly 3 million hashtags on Instagram. Safe to say it’s well worth a visit. Watch this space!
IMAGE: Michael Conrad – Shutterstock

Where will you plan your next trip? It’s gotta include a lake!

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